Our club is a family friendly club for enthusiasts of Land Rovers, from the earliest 1950's to the latest Land Rover models.
Each month we hold a club meeting (Except December) to discuss past and future events, hold technical forums, discuss how we can improve the club and more.
Throughout the year we set up or attend many different kind of events, such as wheeling trips throughout the USA, MNLR Annual Picnic Wheeling adventure, Hunting trips, pool parties, classic cars shows etc.
If you want to learn more please contact us by email at the contacts links on the left sidebar, scan through our web pages or join us at our next meeting
The opinions and or views expressed on Minnesota Land Rover Club social media platforms, including, but not limited to, Facebook pages, represent the thoughts of individual bloggers and online communities, and not those necessarily of our club
We meet the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 pm at Tuttle's Bowling Bar and Grill
See the
Monthly Meeting page for detailed info.